We are open for the season

Welcome Everyone! Our studio is now open for the season, Wednesday thru Saturday or by appointment from ten to four daily. Our classes begin on November 8th, if you go to the Events 1 tab at the top of the home page you will find all the classes and workshops we are offering as well as the dates, times, prices and descriptions of our classes. I also encourage you to subscribe to this newsletter so you don’t miss any posts!

The studio has new garage doors  that I can actually open and close. I’ve been cleaning and rearranging to give us the best workspace possible. A big thank you goes out to ISDA for giving the studio a kickstart grant, I was able to purchase a rolling cart, a propane heater and a small swamp cooler which has seen a lot of action since I arrived back in Ajo in September. This year I have made seven new molds and deckles for my papermakers and some more bench hooks for the printers. There is also a new sign to help you find us. I am excited to see returning guild members and hope that this year we can add more folks to our roster. Remember guild members, you receive $5 off of any class and $2 off workshops. See you soon!

We are opening on Wednesday October 30th!


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